Saturday, 17 February 2018

film opening idea

Film opening idea
This is my basic idea for my film opening and was one of the first piece of documentation that I created as this allowed me to note down all of my choices and ideas in one area. This would then help me to build up my film treatment and by having a basic idea of the type of film I want it allowed me to start thinking about the risks that could occur, the amount of cast and crew I would need to make it possible and also a basic idea to what size budget I would need.

Number of characters:
12-14 within shots but 3 main characters.
Paintball festival:
North vs. South
Heroes vs Villans 
Hand held and go-pro.
Natural lighting and fire pit lighting.
To be completed over a weekend when all members are together.
Shot type:
Extreme long shot
Close up

It will start with all of the characters and members surrounding a fire pit during the night so the glow results back on their faces and then it will be a close up and an introduction on each members of the cast. It will then move to the morning after and then go into a battle scene where there is running and shooting throughout forests and field. The go pros will then catch all for the shooting actions and movement.

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Evaluation Of Pre-Production